
As a middle school boy, I was mesmerized by computers, despite having no color monitor, speakers, mouse, graphical user interface, CD driver, and definitely no internet. Few summers were spent by typing commands behind a black-and-white MS-DOS screen and witnessing some sort of magic when directories were listed. My precious was a handful of floppy discs that stored QBasic programs, since my Taiwanese IBM PC replica did not have a hard drive. Long story short, many years later, I started my career in ICT sector as a web developer. From there, I moved between electronics, telecommunication, and computing industry. Today, I work as a technology architect for artificial intelligence and quantum computing solutions, and write Python code whenever coding is needed. However, this weblog is not all about coding and technology, but just a collection of random notes. So, I am not sure why did I introduce myself with this nerd story!

I live in northern Europe and enjoy camping and travelling. So, there will be some posts about these stuff. I also read a lot of random stuff, and talk to myself about them! Hopefully, this blog will eliminate some of those talks :D

I Am a Real Doctor!

I studied electronics engineering, majoring in control systems, then continued with information technology and telecommunications, and finally received a PhD in signal processing technology. I include the cover of my doctoral thesis here to prove that I am a real doctor of some kind :D

      Dissertation cover

This cover page is also the reason why this weblog ended up in fuchsia colors.

Contact Me

Hassan Naseri <h.nasseri at gmail dot com>